Sing Fai Children Choir was founded in 2010.
The objective of Sing Fai Children Choir is to provide a friendly choir group for children to learn music. Students will receive the training of rhythm, pitch, breath support and exquisite tone. They will also learn from formal sight singing technique and famous songs aournd the world.
We also provide opportunities in public performances; by doing so, students can gain more self-confidences and enhance their social skills.
合唱團自去年成立至今已一年,學生從沒有任何合唱訓練到掌握到基本的樂理、視唱練耳(Sight singing and ear training) 及歌唱技巧。且在一年內參加了多次之演出活動。除了舉辦首屆之音樂會及與青鳥藝術中心(Bluebird Art Center)合辦音樂會外,更為多個社團作義務演出。如福慧教育基金會(Fu Hui Education Foundation)之福宴晚會、加拿大亞裔全運會之開幕禮(The 7th Asian Community Games Opening Ceremony)、星輝體育會之週年晚會、孟嘗及頤康安老院之敬老活動等。通過積極的訓練及大量的演出活動,學員的心智及音樂潛能都得到很大的提升。今年新學年即將開始,如你希望子女能參與一個有紀律之音樂活動,歡迎你報名參加。練習之地點及日期如下: 地址: Langstaff Community Centre, 155 Red Maple Road, Richmond Hill. 時間: 2011年9月11日起每星期日晚上7時至8時30分 聯絡: 星輝體育會電郵 416-593-6060